Who is your favorite movie character?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

DVDs coming soon!

I am just finishing up the process of sending DVD data to the duplicators. There will probably be one more hoop to jump through, and then the DVD should be available for sale.

There is only one special feature on the disc, besides the actual movie, but it is a director's commentary. Featuring the Assistant Director John, along with myself, you will learn some interesting pieces of trivia about the making of the movie, plus our overall comments on the film as it goes along.

The next film, for those of you who are wondering, will most likely be another 30-40 minute short, and Lord willing will be shot sometime in summer 2011. We are already in pre-pre-production (whatever that is). If you are interested in getting involved in the next production, send me a note. If you are an actor, I will put you down on the acting list. If you like cameras and lights and all that fun stuff, I'll put you down on the potential crew list. If you don't care for any of that stuff but you have an uncle who has a friend who's brother works for a guy who owns a Ferrari, I'll definitely put your name down somewhere as well. :)

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