Who is your favorite movie character?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The blog has had 290 visitors since it's start on April 1! That is very exciting. It may sound funny because compared to some movie blogs that's a pitiful number, but for us it is huge. This is not a Sherwood Pictures movie, or a Cloud Ten film. This is a 30-minute short, being produced by a bunch of teen-age homeschoolers in Southwest Virginia. Every bit of public interest counts. :)

Keep on visiting!


  1. Hey! Dani B told me about the cover pic. I saw it on fbk, but wa wondering if you were going to post it here. Looks fabulous! Whoever did the photography and cut outs did super!

  2. It's not supposed to be public yet...:o
    I'll be spacing those out to hold people over, because the film will probably not be done til early fall.

  3. Hello Benjamin. I have been following your production for few weeks. I hope to see the moive and the poster... where can I see it?
    Keep going!


  4. The poster will probably be released sometime this week or next, I will post a copy on this blog. As for the film, it's not done yet but we continue to make progress. Right now it's kind of at a standstill but work will begin again soon. Thanks for checking in!

  5. I think I did the photography.

    If so, thank you Karissa!

    (how does someone think they did something...)

  6. It's because you're thinking technically.

