Who is your favorite movie character?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A New Trailer!

Here are some links to the first Crime and Counterpoint trailer! Who knows, it may be the only one but that's ok.



Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rough Cut

We now have a rough cut of the movie! It needs quite a bit of work but it's nice to see all the gaps closed in the video.

Many of you are wondering when the final film will be coming out. As of right now I really can't say. At the latest, probably early fall 2010. I'll keep you posted though.

Stay tuned for posters, videos and later, a new website!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The blog has had 290 visitors since it's start on April 1! That is very exciting. It may sound funny because compared to some movie blogs that's a pitiful number, but for us it is huge. This is not a Sherwood Pictures movie, or a Cloud Ten film. This is a 30-minute short, being produced by a bunch of teen-age homeschoolers in Southwest Virginia. Every bit of public interest counts. :)

Keep on visiting!